Port Information
Latitude / Longitude: 27.152955° / 56.23988°
Local Time:11:00:11 [UTC +3.5]
Un/locode: IRBND
- Geographical position: lat 27o 07’ n long 056o 04’ e
- Approach chanel: (-15 metre cd) draft 6.5 km long 249 m wide
Berth no | Purpose | Length | Draft | Berth no | Purpose | Length | Draft |
1 |
Oil |
230 |
11.50 |
17 |
General RO-RO<200 M |
250 |
10.50 |
2 |
Oil |
230 |
11.50 |
18 |
General RO-RO<170 M |
220 |
10.50 |
3 |
Multi-Purpose Please refer to item 3 below |
200 |
10.70 |
19 |
General RO-RO<150 M Please refer to item 3 below |
200 |
10.20 |
4 |
Container |
310 |
12.00 |
20 |
Multi-Purpose RO-RO<150 M Please refer to item 3 below |
185 |
10.00 |
5 |
Container |
310 |
12.00 |
21 |
Multi-Purpose |
185 |
10.00 |
6 |
Container |
250 |
12.50 |
22 |
Multi-Purpose |
20 |
14.00 |
7 |
Container |
210 |
11.30 |
23 | Multi-Purpose |
250 |
14.00 |
8 |
Container |
100 |
5.50 |
24 |
Multi-Purpose |
300 |
14.50 |
9 |
General RO-RO<100 M |
200 |
10.00 |
25 |
Container Please refer to item 5 below |
390 |
15.00 |
10 |
General RO-RO<120 M |
220 |
10.20 |
26 |
Container Please refer to item 5 below |
350 |
15.00 |
11 |
General RO-RO<150 M |
250 |
10.50 |
27 |
Container Please refer to item 5 below |
350 |
14.00 |
12 |
General RO-RO<200 M |
300 |
11.00 |
28 |
Container/MultiPurpose Please refer to item 8 below |
230 |
14.00 |
13 |
Multi-Purpose Please refer to item 4 below |
300 |
11.70 |
29 |
Container/MultiPurpose Please refer to item 8 below |
200 |
14.00 |
14 |
General Please refer to item 4 below |
300 |
12.50 |
30 |
Container/MultiPurpose Please refer to item 8 below |
200 |
14.00 |
15 |
General Please refer to item 4 below |
300 |
11.50 |
31 |
Container/MultiPurpose Please refer to item 8 below |
200 |
14.00 |
16 |
General RO-RO<250 M |
300 |
10.50 |
32 |
Container/MultiPurpose Please refer to item 8 below |
200 |
14.00 |
1- Priority for berthing RORO vessel goes to Jetties 13,14 & 15 and then 12 & 16
2- Berthing of the vessels at Starboard side at Jetties No. 6, 7 19 and port side at Jetty No. 9 is subject to Port Maritime affair department’s confirmation.
3- Tankers at jetties 3, 19 & 20 can be berthed at higher draft than shown above, considering their load and discharge rates and also tide water and after receiving permission from port maritime affairs.
4- Bulk carriers having higher draft than shown about at jetties 13, 14 and 15, should coordinate with port maritime affairs giving information such as TPC, discharge or load rates.
5- Considering the draft of approach channel at Shahid Rajaee Port complex, vessels can be accepted having max 15.5 meters draft at high tide water.
6- Above given jetties details and acceptance of vessels are subject to change after re-conducting hydrographic calculations at area , basins, getting views from Near-Misss committee and other related organizations.
7- Containers having higher LOA shown at jetties 4 , 5, 6, & 7, can be given berth only by coordination with port maritime affair office
8- Jetties 28-32 will be allocated to container when the gantry cranes are fixed but will be used to load/discharge bulk cargoes at present
In addition to the above PERSIAN GULF JETTIES located at the East and is part of Shahid Rajeiee port complex.
Berth No. |
Berth NAME | Length meter |
Draft meter |
1 | 47 | 150 | 7.50 |
2 | 48 | 100 | 7.00 |
3 | 49 | 80 | 7.50 |
4 | 50 | 150 | 7.50 |
5 | 51 | 115 | 7.50 |
6 | 53 | 125 | 7.50 |
7 | 54 | 125 | 7.50 |
8 | 55 | 125 | 7.50 |
9 | 56 | 70 | 7.50 |
10 | 57 | 125 | 7.50 |
- Vessels with higher than 7 meters berth during high tide water
- Berthing of the vessels from Starboard side at jetty No. 10 and port side at Jetty No. 1 are subject to the confirmation of the Port Authorities
- Berthing the vessels at berth No. 10 are subject to there are one tug or barge at berths No.7 and 8 or one vessel alongside these berths
- Adjustment of the length for any berth is possible subject to prior coordination with Port Maritime affair department

Fishing boats

Jetty No. |
Application |
Length Meter |
Draft Meter |
Remark |
1 |
260 |
14.10 |
2 |
Mineral |
260 |
14.10 |
Beam restriction38.2 meters. |
- Berthing at Jetty No. 1 are carry out during High water
- Berthing of the vessels at Jetty No. 2 with cargo are carry out at the end of the High water
- Vessel at Jetty No. 2 should be from the Portside
- Maximum possible draft of the vessel for berthing at jetty no. 2is as per below time table
- Vessel should be without list
- If the vessel Squad on 5 knot speed is higher than 20 centimeters, the additional squad should be deducted from the Maximum draft.
- Since the human faults are playing great rules in the sea accidents, Hence for ship security , it is emphasized that precise calculation should be done by the Master and shipping line on their responsibility
- The Ship’s negligence resulting accident or Near-Miss will be followed as per rules.
Height of tide
Max. Draft
Max. Speed
Hight of tide
Max. Draft
Max. Speed
2.4 |
13.4 |
5 |
3.4 |
14 |
5 |
2.5 |
13.5 |
5 |
3.5 |
14 |
5 |
2.6 |
13.6 |
5 |
3.6 |
14 |
5 |
2.7 |
13.65 |
5 |
3.7 |
14 |
5 |
2.8 |
13.7 |
5 |
3.8 |
14 |
5 |
2.9 |
13.8 |
5 |
3.9 |
14 |
5 |
3 |
13.9 |
5 |
4 |
14 |
5 |
3.1 |
13.95 |
5 |
4.1 |
14 |
5 |
3.2 |
14 |
5 |
4.2 |
14 |
5 |
3.3 |
14 |
5 |
Third Phase of Shahid Rajaiee Developing Plan is including construct of 1500 meter of jetty, 5 million cubic meter dredging and construct 55 hectare container yard which is needed 500 million investment.
Increasing TEU as per the above report, with the full implementation of third phase, capacity of loading and discharging will be increased to 8 Million TEU.
First section of third phase is including construct of 442 meter jetty with 16 meter depth & 1600000 cubic meter dredging west third basin of Shahid Rajaiee Port as per schedule and arrangements which will be applicable during 18 months with 70 million investment.
Rouhani inaugurates 17 infrastructural, 6 industrial projects in Hormozgan
BANDAR ABBAS, Mar. 01 (MNA) – President Rouhani has inaugurated 17 infrastructural and 6 industrial projects and ordered initiation of 11 other projects in Hormozgan province, south of the country.
The inauguration was held on Wednesday through videoconferencing in a meeting with the elite and distinguished figures of the province.
Speaking at the meeting, President Rouhani highlighted the inevitable role of modern communications technology on the development of societies, adding that “we cannot distance ourselves from the world of communications, but we must be careful” of its shortcomings.
“The government has done a great deal to maintain and develop the conditions for people to take advantage of communications technology,” he stressed.
During his two-day stay in Hormozgan, the president inaugurated as many as 17 infrastructural projects worth around USD295 million and €54 million credit allocated by the government and around USD375 million and €770 million credit by the private sector.
Once the projects become fully operational, a total of 5,432 direct jobs will be created.
The projects were in the fields of rural roads, housing, coastline corridor, water supply, water and wastewater treatment, dams, water desalination, irrigation systems, wheat silos, fish farming, greenhouse, petrol refining, gas supply, geophysics, and a number of other fields.
President Rouhani also opened Iran’s first hot-briquetted iron factory at Saba Foulad-e Khalij-e Fars complex. The total capacity of the first phase of the factory is 1.5 million tones and it is predicted to rise to 4.5 million tones with next phases put into operation.
The factory is estimated to create 400 direct jobs and around 1000 indirect jobs for the people of the province.
President Rouhani also inaugurated the first phase of the project for increasing production and quality of petrol and diesel at Bandar Abbas Oil Refinery. With the project coming on stream, the quality of its petrol and diesel production will increase to Euro4 and the amount of production will rise to 4 million liters a day.
Phase 3 of Shahid Rajaei Port’s container terminal was also inaugurated on Wednesday following President Rouhani’s visit to the Phase 2 of the project. Phase 3 of Shahid Rajaei Port will increase the container capacity to 8 million TEU and with its 1400-meter pier, it can house the world’s largest container ships.
“Today, Iran’s most important and strategic ports are Bandar Abbas and Shahid Rajaei,” Rouhani said. “And the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz are of critical importance to us.”
Rouhani stressed that phase 3 would “turn this strategic port into a great center for goods transportation and transit to northern and eastern countries of Iran.”
This is Rouhani’s second provincial visit to Hormozgan in the current Iranian fiscal year. He will leave the province for Tehran on Thursday afternoon.